There are a MILLION photographers talking these days about getting in the picture and taking more pictures of your own family. This is more for me to look back when I lose sight again...because I'm sure I will.
Ever since I've gotten into the whole photography thing, I may have gone a little over board. McKenna has been my model from day one. When I look back through all the pictures of her first year, there are so many! The older she gets, though, the fewer pictures I have of her. I have learned so much about photography in the almost 2 years that I've been doing it. {Wow, has it been 2 years already?} I am lightyears ahead of where I was when I started {and I know I have lightyears to go}. So, the more I've learned, the higher my standards have gotten for what an acceptable picture is...what the acceptable conditions as far as lighting and environment are. I've found myself taking fewer pictures of everyday things and turning everything into a photo shoot. I've turned McKenna into a subject and lost sight of the fact that she's my child and I'm missing things.
So...I have busted out my smaller DSLR {glad I never sold it}, put it in auto {it still kinda breaks my heart}, switched it from RAW over to JPEG, and have started taking random snap shots of everyday things and everyday nothings. It's still weird with the pop-up flash and all, but MAN I wish I'd done this for her birthday. I didn't get nearly as many pictures as I should have because I was worried about angles and lighting and aperture and shutter speed and bouncing my flash and focal points. I should have just been taking pictures. But...she is only two, so I have a lot of moments ahead of me still to capture. Of course, for big things {and if the lighting is naturally agreeable} I'll pull out the big camera and be a little more serious about it.
I'm writing all this down so when I start getting a little too ME about it, I can remember all the moments I am missing and get myself back on track.